Created in 2017, the STOP Act has established a number of legal requirements for targeted controlled substances that have been implemented gradually over the past few years. The last phase-in started on January 1st, 2020. From now on, electronic transmission for specified restricted substances is required pre-Customs and Border Protection through Advanced Electronic Data (EAD).
Seeking a solution to tackle the opioid crisis by preventing the flow of illicit substances, the US government has imposed stricter legislation for cross-border shipping activities within the US territory, forcing postal and shipping companies to comply with new shipping requirements.
READ MORE: Get Ready for Import Control System 2 (ICS2)
What is the Opioid Crisis?
The opioid epidemic is the deadliest drug crisis in American history killing about 90 Americans every day.
Opioids are a class of drugs that interact with opioid receptors on nerve cells in the body and brain. They regulate pain and affect the brain’s reward or pleasure system, which can make people feel high. It makes opioids powerful painkillers but also extremely addictive.
The current crisis started in the 1990s with the prescription of opioid painkillers. Over the next decade, a growing number of people became dependent on these drugs and for many what started with pills grew into heroin addiction. Then in 2014, potent synthetic opioids began entering the drug supply in large amounts.
Between April 2020 and April 2021, around 100,000 people died in the United States from an opioid overdose, which is approximately one death every five minutes. The epidemic that has ravaged North American peripheries for years is now also a reason for diplomatic and economic conflict between Washington and Beijing.
The US opium drug epidemic, which has lasted for years, reached its highest point in April 2021. The numbers, recorded in the midst of the pandemic, were 28.5% higher than the one computed in the previous year.
What Changes for Shipping Companies?
As of the implementation of the new legislation, shipping companies will be compelled to require senders to provide information on parcels prior to shipment, through Electronic Advanced Data (AED). All packages coming from abroad will require the US Postal Service to send advanced electronic data (AED) to Customs and Border Protection.
By enabling CBP to undertake better targeting and risk assessments, these new AED regulations in the IFR will increase the security of international mail shipments entering the United States. As a result, fewer shipments of prohibited substances and other dangerous items will enter the country and illicit supply chains that take advantage of the postal system will be disrupted. The AED-enabled screening will also be used to spot fake goods and illegal biological material, and potentially to fight terrorism.
MDC Prohibited and Restricted Goods Screening
In order to find out if goods have any type of import restrictions, our P&R screening tool is the best solution for businesses once both Restricted and Prohibited lists are constantly updated in order to comply with countries’ import regulations. In our system, goods can be screened either by HS Codes or product descriptions. It makes the screening process completely reliable and can be a game-changer for supply chain decision-makers in order to avoid delays and embargos.

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