My Duty Collect



随着世界各地越来越多的人访问互联网,企业的目标是投入更多时间和金钱来提高他们的在线销售业绩。数字显示,对电子商务零售在线活动的大量投资有所增加,主要原因是过去两年在线销售活动的激增。在这里查看拥有在线商店的5个主要优势。 阅读更多:4 Tips on How to Grow Your Ecommerce Business Internationally 电子商务的5个优势 低成本——电子商务企业可以消除许多实体商店的费用,如租金、公用事业费、员工成本。这节省了零售商的高额前期投资。相反,这些成本将与其业务的在线活动有关,如网站维护、托管、域名、营销活动等。 更广泛的范围——电子商务商店绝对没有物理边界。通过适当的电子商务优化,世界各地的人们都可以找到您的在线商店并进行购买。这意味着来自英国的零售店可以轻松找到亚洲、美洲、非洲等地的买家。企业一旦在线就走向国际。 延长营业时间——电子商务商店可以在不消耗一名员工的情况下全天候销售。这是由于在线实用性和商品的处置。有了电子商务商店,企业可以每天全天销售他们的产品,与实体商店相比,更有可能创收。 再营销的可能性——电子商务企业家可以轻松锁定在在线商店购物时放弃购物车的人。这将使在线零售商更容易收集有关买家兴趣的数据并重新营销他们的商品。 客户的灵活性——在线买家更有可能从多种选择中找到产品。另一点是,如有必要,客户将有更好的机会评估卖家并更改同一产品的选项。 Creative Collisions集团还运营着一个电子商务平台,企业可以轻松销售其产品。了解PostLocal,这是一个为当地社区设计的在线市场,您可以在几分钟内创建在线商店并开始销售。 如果您有兴趣通过在线了解更多关于提高和改善公司收入的信息,请订阅我们的博客,并访问我们的网站和LinkedIn页面以获取更多更新。您还可以通过发送消息至info@mydutycollect.com与我们联系。我们很高兴收到你的来信。

Niall O’Neill, Creative Collisions Achieves Thought Leader Accreditation

We are delighted to announce that Creative Collisions CEO, Niall O’Neill, has recently received the Thought Leader Business All-Starts accreditation by one of Ireland’s most important accreditation bodies. This accreditation is an outstanding achievement and recognizes the hard work and dedication of our team in providing best-in-class service to all our customers and business partners. […]

IOSS – The Importance of the Onboarding Process

It is true that intermediary companies have different onboarding procedures, however, everybody must agree that this is an absolutely indispensable part of the One-Stop-Shop registration process because it helps intermediaries to assess the following actions to be taken. In this post, we will talk specifically about the importance of onboarding and how it will impact […]

First IOSS Submissions Completed in August

As of today, we have successfully managed to register a large number of companies from all around the world for the IOSS system. As part of the intermediary role, we also need to support and coordinate VAT submissions on a monthly basis and make sure no companies have problems regarding their VAT status. Check out […]